Friday, October 23, 2009

Rave: Skydeck

If you have ever talked to me on the phone you are a lucky person. I personally just usually am not a phone person. Texts, I do way too much, but talking on the phone is a social skill that I am still working on. What does me talking on the phone have to do with Skydeck? Well Everything. Skydeck is a really awesome webpage that tracks who you call, and does so much more. I don't remember where I heard about it, but I think I was one of the first because it has changed so much since I joined. Among things that are possible through Skydeck you can send texts or it will transcribe voicemails, so you don't have to listen to people's long messages. All that aside everyone who talks to me on the phone knows why I like it, it uses your phone company bill to follow every call or text that you make. Why is that cool you ask? First reason is that means I have a permanent list of anyone who I have every talked to on my phone. That means if you called me a year ago then I still have your number. I have used that to fine the number of a mom of a friend when my friend's cell phone had died. I personally wouldn't want her mom's number in my phone, that would be weird, but having it accessible on Skydeck means if I did need to call her I have the number, just in case. Those are all cool features, but here is my favorite, they arrange your contact list by who you call most. How cool is that! For my friends that I actually do call it has sometimes been a race to the top. My mom usually is in the top ten, and hopefully girlfriend at the time makes it up to number one, but who knows. I just think it is fun to see who you actually do call. They make it fun too, by including graphs on what time you usually call them, and actually recording the number of texts, or minutes you have actually spent time talking. I would have never known that my mom calls me twice as much as I call her, and that most of our calls happen between 6pm and midnight. Compare that to a girl who I call four times as much as she calls me, and our calls happen between 6pm and 4am. Even funnier is the girl that I have only talked to on the phone four times, but she is still near the top of my list because I text her more than anyone else I know. In summary Skydeck is awesome, and if you have a cell phone, you should check it out. Sadly T-Moblie recently change their bill system and no longer lets Skydeck touch it, but if you have any of the other carriers I totally recommend it. See who you talk to most, or tell your friends how they moved on the weekly email they send. I know it was a completion for a few friends of mine to make it to the top. Take this opportunity to see who you are actually spending all your minutes. Also they have the best customer service if that is important to you, they always respond to my emails and fix things, nice people.

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